What is love? How do you know when you really love someone?
I know i really love her because the way i feel for her is the most certain and uncertain thing in my life. I know i’d give anything for her i’d risk it all to be with her but i know if we asked why the answer could be as simple as i love her but the definition to that is as complicated as figuring out what pie is the numbers could go on forever and so could the definition to love everyone has its own. Not only that i know i’d want to be with her for forever but how long will forever be if she’s gone tomorrow will it be enough? How long is enough can it ever really be enough when we really love that person. Everyone says cherish the time we have together the good memories but i love her enough to not only remember the good times but remember our fights too as they happen every time they happen i’d fall in love with her more and not realize it. i remember the bad times because every single one of them led to a really good time and every fight led to us making up and every time he said sorry and i said okay just showed me exactly how much i’m willing to forgive to make forever as long as i can. You’ll can show someone you love them by giving them a hug or whatever but you also can prove it by being honest and faithful like me do with my only one..