Tomorrow is the exam for the short sem...and i'll take the subject of business mathematics. i actually have not fully prepared yet...dont know how to answer the question tomorrow..huuu..i hope everthing will go smoothly. even now i am very depressed..very dificult for me to settle the subject in the form of this calculation.. once i was interested this subject but now i really hate this subject..i dont know why ...!! at the moment i can't target anything to the subject but i will do as far as i can...hope i can pass this subject..Amen..:)
*good luck 4 my princess...
*good luck 4 all my friends...
*good luck 4 me too...
*Do the best...all the best...we can do it because nothing is impossible.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 4:35 PM
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Beautiful Life..!
Pada suatu hari di sekolah, seorang murid bertanya pada gurunya. ketika itu guru tersebut sedang mengajar mengenai kasih sayang.
Pelajar : Cikgu, macam mana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang yang paling kita sayang? macam mana juga kasih sayang itu nak berkekalan ?
Cikgu : ok, kamu ikut apa yang saya suruh. kamu pergi ke padang, kamu berjalan di atas rumput sambil memandang rumput di depan kamu. pilih yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi walau sekali. Dah petik rumput yang paling cantik bawa ke kelas.
Apabila pelajar tersebut pulang ke kelas, tiada sehelai rumput pun ditangannya. cikgu bertanya kenapa tiada rumput yang dipilih?
Pelajar : tadi masa saya berjalan, saya carilah rumput yang paling cantik. memang banyak yang cantik tapi cikgu kata petik yang paling cantik, maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan sambil mencari yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. tapi sampai di penghujung padang, saya tak jumpa pun yang paling cantik. mungkin ada diantara yang di belakang saya tadi rumput yang paling cantik tapi dah cikgu cakap tak boleh menoleh ke belakang semula, jadi tiadalah rumput yang saya boleh petik.
Cikgu : YA, itulah jawapannya. maknanya apabila kita telah berjumpa dengan seseorang yang kita sayang, janganlah kita mencari lagi yang lebih baik dari itu. kita patut hargai orang yang berada didepan kita sebaik-baiknya. jangan kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. semoga yang berlalu tidak berulang lagi. dan ingatlah orang yang paling kita sayang itulah yang paling cantik dan paling baik. walau pun nak ikutkan banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik seperti rumput tadi. tida mau ckp bnyk lar..hahaa..pndai2 seja mau fhm ar..mmg byk pngajaran yg kta dpt dari dialog nie..nie sy ambil dri FB nie ar..d video ntah sapa yg p post tue jdi sy terview lar...tersentuh jg knun nie hati sy bila hbis tngo n bca dialog diantara pelajar n cikgu dia..mngikut pda pndpt sy lar kn..berdasarkn pmbcaan sy trhadap dialog d ats..situasi, keadaan n tmpt dialog nie kn mcm sorg budak/pljar skolah rendah yg brtnya tue soaln dgn cikgu dia...yer lar..tngo seja lar dialog tue pn mmg bole tau mcm pljar skolah rndah yg brtnya kn...boleh than jg nie budak nie tau...mksud sy kn..boleh2 budak/pljar sekecil/secerdik/sepintar nie dgn bg2 petahnya brtnya soaln yg sbg2 sma cikgu dia...pngjran jg nie tau..blm tau lgi oO remaja/org sedewasa n sebaya dgn sy boleh brfkir soaln yg mcm tue kn..fuyooo..:)
klik nie Link lau kmu tida pcya..hahahaa..ntah FB sapa nie sy pn tida tau...teda dlm fren list sy pn..^^
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 10:59 PM
By you side..!
~if you love someone don't ever hesitate to do things for him/her even if there's a lot of judgement coming from others...
i would rather be your moon, so i can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn't around...thnx 4 yesterday as willing to go out with me..i am happy to be by you side.
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 5:45 PM
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Teda yg mnrik pn crta kaLi nie...mcm juga kbiasaannya stiap hri ahd p church(kalau rjin lar)xD...cuma yg brbeza hri nie sy p church sma kwn lama sy(yizri@egon) jg kwn bek sy..1 kg n sma2 skul dri kcil smpai form 5..pas jaa hbis spm msing2 bawa haluan smbung stdy knun cni kLej d kk n kwn sy tue msuk form six..naAaa..skg kwn sy nie d UMS suda...ijazah suda nie bru stkat diploma..cish..jlez jg lar..hua3x..bru jg msuk yg awl bLan 7..kira 1st sem lar..bgs oO dorg dpt msuk U..mcm ada pnyesalan pla dlm dri sy tida msuk form six sma2 dorg dLu..iskh..tpi tida pa lar..mmg suda bgni jLn hdup sy n mmg suda g2 jLn hdup dorg..wLu pn brbeza tpi kmi ttp kwn baa seLamanya..hahaaaa..bgs jg lar knun dgn wjudnya FACEBOOK nie byk kwn2 yg stelah skian lamanya trpisah oLeh arus kemodenan knun baru tebejmpa bLik....ceyh..teda2 baa..hahaa..d FB jaa Lar..n kbnykannya cLasmate/kwn2 sy dLu msuk U nie..d UMS lar byk..ada jg yg msuk UITM, msuk d UNIMAS, UM, UPM, n Lau tida silap sy mcm ada jg msuk d UPSI..naaa tmpt sisT eLvina tue..jdi junior sisT e'na lar tue kn..hehe..tpi sy kurg psti lar sapa kwn sy yg msuk sna...nmpknya, byk puLa kwn sy yg brjaya msuk U/menara gding knun...adei..mcm sy jaa yg d kLej..mrendah dri suda lar nie sma dorg..ceyh..^^..congrats Lar sma kmu smua ar kwn2 ku..smoga kmu brjaya mnghbiskn pngjian kmu dgn cemerlangnya..Amen..
hmm..sLepas p church, me n my fren(yizri) p CP..p mkn lar..Lpar kn..byk jg Lar kmi crta2..Lama tida jmpa kn..pas tue kmi p print out borang permohonan PTPTN(loan) kwn sy...jLn pnya jLn kmi smpat singgah skejap tngo org uji bakat mau msuk program realiti TV(pilih kasih) d CP jg..naaa..uji bakat mau jdi pelakon tue..Waaaa..tpi sy tida berminat Lar..minat tngo jaa..hahaaa..terasa Lucu jg Lar kmi tngo gelagat para pserta yg ikut tue ujibakat..hmm..after that..trus bLik Lar..teda jg mau d buat kn lama2 d smpai jaa rumah trus saifuL puLa gnti jLn p kk..hahaaa..ntah pa giLa dia kLuar ptg2 p kk..hahaaa...ckp p date tida jg..hmm..ntah story Lgi ar..jeng3x..nex wek exam suda..hahaaa..naaaa...hbis Lar..tkut Oo..masi bLum ykin/not ready lgi mau ambiL exam..adei..
sorry bout Last night..hmm..Miss u so damn much..i want to met u..if could right now !!! huuu..!
i want to make u a Queen of my heart..can ? no one seated in my heart melainkan engkau My princess..:)
no one misses n love u more than me...when u miss me, look at my gift in u hand 4 me plez...
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 4:17 PM
Thursday, July 22, 2010
i'm Sure..!
~A tongue has no bones but it can break a heart and also it can be a pillar of strength to broken heart~
I have found an enjoyable, enchanting, active, and sometime terrifying experience, n i've enjoyed it completely. a lament in one ear, maybe but always a song in the other...sometime in life, we think we don't need anyone, but sometime in life we don't have anyone when we need...strange but its true right..hmm..
remember, life is never plain sailing, thats what makes it fun...where there is an end..there is always a beginning, when there seems to be no hope..there is always a hope..when you're in pain..there is always someone wishing your not..when a door is closed, a window is'll know what i mean right ?..hmm...i think , nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now..n if the past cannot prevent u from being present now, what power does it have?...think that...
~be a candle, be a light, be a twinkle in the light, be a hope, be an inspiration to fly high in others life~
you still wondering right why me love u? u want to know why i love u...sure ? hmm..okay..i think u already know about it..honestly, the 1st time i saw u..when the day of registration in college(1st sem)..i fell in love at 1st sight with u..waaa..i still remember that moments..i think there is no others appropriate sentence i express it...that is the most appropriate sentence for u..i'm sure..! believe or not..its up to you..but..i'm sure that is what happened to me when i saw u...for me, its hard to believe..i was like a freeze, was stunned, silent, n my feeling was mixed...i love u not bcoz u are beautiful, but i really can't deny it..hmm..susah2 jaa baa mau ckp kn...saya cintakan dirimu bkn sperti mna org len melihat/mnilai dirimu dgn hnya memandang akn sifat luaranmu/tersurat..tpi bgi saya...luaran n dalaman, tersirat n tersurat, fzikal n mental, rohaniah n jasmaniah yg ada dgn dirimu itu termasuk dlm smua pnilaian ku terhdap dirimu...fham sygg ? sy tau ayat2 yg sy slalu guna nie mmg ssh mau fhm kn..bahkn sy sndri pn pyah mau ssun ayt yg sbaik2nya ayat..tpi mmg itu lar..apa yg bergolak d hati sy, only me know..sbab sukar tuk terjemahkn dlm bentuk apa skali pn yg trsirat d hati sy..hmm.. I am not looking 4 PERFECTION, but at least u perfect 4 me bcoz of my ASSESSMENT...!
without u i might not be complete,without u i'm not still go on, without u i'm might still live my life, without u i'm still find myself, but ever since u have been a part of me, all that will have a difference...i'm sure thats better than before...if can i want to love u all the time, 4ever n ever Renny Azie Gasmin..^^
by hand~ Stephendz Arryn Abat...
~When god takes away something from your hand, don't think he's punishing you, but he is merely emptying your hand, for you to receive something better~
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 1:52 PM
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
what do you think?
~Eyes speaks more when a hearts starts listening to someone silently and life seems to be more exciting when someone starts reading your eyes silently..
~The greatest challenge in life is to find someone who knows all your flaws, differences, mistakes and many more wrongs about you but still finds the best in you..
where should i start do not know what i'm think right now but i'm sure a lot of things in my mind. perhaps it was about life or..ntah..bida pnya pemikiran nie tau..ada2 jaa..suda lar nex wek exam be continue lar what i want to share in this blogger..hmm..okay..lets start..
i've learned, i came alone n i have to go alone..i've learned, some people are with you when they need you, not otherwise..i've learned..extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation..i've learned..a simple lie of close one can break you more than anything..i've learned...its hard to weep alone when there is no shoulder to support..i've people but not beyond the point of you dignity...
its amazing how you realize when u lose someone, u get mad at yourself 4 not saying the things u could've a milion times..u take 4 granted the days spent doing nothing when u could've been with them..anyone can be taken at any time in our lives, but we always wait until they're say the things we never had the courage to before...when something valuable is near us..we won't care 4 it..but when we miss that precious thing, we start feeling 4 it..when someone comes along and makes u 4get someone else..remember..they're not better but they're just different...when someone is in need of affection, bcoz they have lost something dear to them...don't ask.."is there something i can do to help? " when u know u can't do anything to change the situation, expect to just support the person in any decision that they make from this point on ..bcoz it frustrates that person to know that there is nothing they or anyone can do...^^. sometimes u have to distance yourself certain people not bcoz u don't love them, its bcoz u have to move foward with your life...n the best thing that u can do in life is follow your heart..take risk..don't just take the safe n easy choices bcoz you're afraid of what might happen..don;t have any regrets n know that everything happens 4 a reason...
human brain is the most amazing works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week..right from u birth till u fall in love..BUT..must remember..the different between "can" n "cannot" are only three letters...the three that determine u life direction...i think i'd rather be hated 4 being who i am..than be loved 4 being something that is out of my character bounds...must be careful what u do n be careful what u say bcoz it just might happen to this is not always beautiful, but its still alive in the memories...hua3x..ngam kar itu ar..the maximum time u will spend in u life with make yourself as interesting as possible n u will never get bored..n sometimes option makes u deep, but the correct decision makes u feel stronger..n thats life which no one predict but it goes with the right matter what u may facing today, take time to ask the lord to shine his light on u. ask him to confirm his plan 4 u. as u continue pursuing his truth n righteousness, as u continue to make his word a priority in u life, u will experience more of his'll see those brighter days as u move forward in the good plan he has in store for u...~~when GOD solves your problem, u have faith in his abilities, but when he doesn't solve your problem..remember that he has faith in your abilities~~
word has no meaning for describe feelings, people can form a thousand words, a thousand language..but words a not evidence of strong feelings...hahaaaaaaahahaaaaa....baa..pndai2 seja lar kmu ar...^_^
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 3:22 PM
Monday, July 19, 2010
McFly - The heart never lies(acoustic)
Some people laugh
some people cry
Some people live
Some people die
some people run
right into the fire
and some people hide
their every desire
but we are the lovers
if you don't believe me.
then just look into my eyes '
cause the heart never lies
some people fight
some people fall
others pretend
they don't care at all
if you wan't to fight
i'll stand right beside yo.
the day that you fall
i'll be right behind you
to pick up the pieces
if you don't believe me
just look into my eyes
cause the heart never lies...
(Woah 2x)
another year over(more than a month)
and we're still together
it's not always easy
but i'm here forever
yeah we are the lovers
i know you believe me
when you looked into my eyes
cause the heart never lies
and we are the lovers
i know you believe me
whenyou look into my eyes
cause the heart never lies
(oh oh oh Woah x2)
another year over(more than a month)
but we're still together
it's not always easy
but i'm here forever
yeah we are the lovers
i know you beileve me
when you look into my eyes
cause the heart never lies
cause the heart never lies
because the heart never lies...
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 1:19 PM
Everything I feel for you I wrote down on one piece of paper…
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 12:56 PM
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 9:28 PM
Friday, July 16, 2010
keboringanku hilang seketika..!
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 9:06 PM
Monday, July 12, 2010
Spain Juara WC 2010..!
well..WC 2010 south africa suda pn melabuhkn tirai bru sbentar td...hahaaaa...dgn kejuaraan mlik spain menewaskn netherlands dgn jringan 1-0(extra tym) ...hmm..terubat jg lar knun rasa kekecewaan sy bila brazil kalah d quater final tmpoh hri..naaa..kotoh for netherlands(belanda) pnjajah lgi..sapa suru kmu kasi kalah 1st fav team sy(brazil)...skg 2nd fav team sy pula kasi kalah kmu blik...naaaa...dri segi kawalan/pnguasaan bola 50-50...dan yg pling mnrik skali dlm fnal td tue pngadil suka bgi kad kuning..pngadil dri england if tida silap sy..pesta kad..hahaaaa..13 kad kuning n 1 kad merah...gila..tida pnah2 baa sbelum nie...hahaaaaa...belanda nmpknya kmu ggal lgi prcubaan buat kali ke-3 d fnal world cup...huuuu..kotoh..mmg kmu lgi lar teda nsib...hahaaa..n spain juara bru in WC..1st tym jdi juara oO..apa tida..kbnykn pmain spain full of star nie..cish...apa2 pn congrats 4 spain dpt tebus blik kekecewaan sy..n belanda pa boleh buat..hnya 1 juara yg d cari..try lgi nti nex WC...gud try...hahaaaaa..akhir kata dri sy..sblum sy pn melabuhkn tirai kata2 terakhir story bout WC nie..hahaaaa..ada lgi knun..ceyh..bye2 for world cup 2010 south africa n welcome for WORLD CUP 2014 BRAZIL...brazil tue tuan rmah nti...can't wait lar...haahaaaa..baa..ckup lar..masi mngntuk lgi baa nie..nti ada clas lgi tue awl pgi jm 8..huuu..smpat kar tdur nie ar..hahaaaaa..lantak lar..bkn kali2 pn...:)
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 5:38 AM
Saturday, July 10, 2010
i live my life for you..!
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 10:20 PM
Monday, July 5, 2010
ohh juLy...!
~it's so hard to get you Love, but it's not easy for me to release it...!
~jangan pernah menyesal untuk bertemu dengan orang lain tetapi menyesal lar bila orang itu menyesal bertemu dengan kamu...!
hye JULY..awl2 buLan Lgi suda tebadmood...uhhhhhuuu...setelah bbrpa hri sy diamkn diri/tida on9/badmood knun/mix feelings...wat ever lar..nie gara2 WC Lar nie..hisy..akhirnya My fav team tumbang/tewas jg dgn psukan bkn pLihan 1-2 kaLah sma beLanda/penjajah..shiT..!..sungguh sy tida dpt trima Oo..cish..ntah Lar..mgkn mmg sy teLampau minat nie sma braziL,sjak dhuLu kaLa Lgi knun...boLeh2 baa kaLah...pd haL braziL jg yg byk mngwaL boLa...mmg teda nsib Lar tue...c KAKA pn sy tngo nmpk kcewa...dri segi permainan, skill individu, prmainan brpasukan, n kLebihan mmg byk memihak sma brazil Lar..mmg boLeh d ktakn kaLah nsib Lar..apa boLeh buat..trpksa tngu 4 thun dri skg Lgi..pnya Lama tue..naAaa..WC 2014 nti braziL pula jdi tuan d tmpat sndri hrap2 Lar jdi juara...ada kLebihan suda tue...knpa sy sdih biLa my fav team kaLah ? sbab sukan ini ada Lar sbhagian dri hdup sy dLu(msa skoLa mnngah)..terutama skaLi boLa sepak nie..mmg sy aktif sngt dgn sukan tym d skoLa mnngah dLu..byk jnis sukan sy ikut smpai pringkat ngeri(MSSS)..antaranya 1st, boLa sepak , 2nd, badminton. 3rd, sepak takraw, 4th, boLa tmpar, 5th, olahraga...5 jnis sukan nie Lar pling sy aktif...pnah skaLi sy ada pLuang mau pegi d smenanjung(pringkat kbangsaan, MSSM) sukan yg pringkat kbngsaan nie olahraga in 4x400..tpi dlm pda wktu yg sma trikh tue bertmbung/tesama2 dgn trikh prtndingn boLa sepak pringkat ngeri sbah(MSSS),oLeh krna minat sy Lbh mndLm pd boLa trpksa plih 1 jaa antra dua tue..huu..sdih n trpksa sy plih boLa sepak jaa..skaLi sy fkir bLik2 kn..mcm bgus Lgi sy pLih olahraga tue..enjoy lgi p smenanjung kn..hisy..mnyesaL puLa..adui..tpi apa org ckp..krna minat tue Lar kta ttp truskn pndirian kta sy tida jg mnyesaL sngt..hahaaaaa..oLeh krna itu Lar sy ckp td sukan nie boLeh d katakn sbhagian dri hdup sy...mgkn boleh jdi no.1 in my Life(dLu Lar)...skg tida suda..hua3x..coz sy rasa mcm sy tida shebat dLu suda...krna apa..?pnah skaLi sy Try ikut sukan oLahraga thunan klej nie..tym sem 1 kaLi tue..(2008)sy try acara kgemaran sy(400m) n (Lompat jauh) tym skuL mnngah dLu..mmg sy d antra yg trhebat Lar acara nie dlu(bkn mau temberang2 ar)mmg btuL pn..kmu mau tau sy dpt num brpa ? 400m sy msuk final jg but hnya mmpu dpt no.4 dri 8 pLari...hoho..n Lompat jauh no.4 jg...hahaaa..mmg sah sy tida shebat dLu..Lgi puLa sy kurg training n mmg teda training pn...huuu..dLm boLa sepak mgkn skill prmainan sy kurg or mmg teda suda mgkn skg...cuma yg sy rasa sy masi boleh n mmpu..badminton n sepak takraw Lgi...:) sbab itu Lar sy rasa sdih/tebadmood biLa my fav team kaLah in brkaitan jg dgn crta sy jg kn..! hdup2..mmg sungguh byk prubahan yg brLaku dgn diri sy nie Tau...cuma ada 1 jaa yg ttp sma dri dLu smpai skg...mgkn sy rasa kmu boLeh agk nie...minat sy trhdap dunia seni pnuLisan(nveL, pntun n yg swktu dgnnya)...besa Lar...:) tida apa braziL..mngkn bkn musim kmu WC kaLi nie..try Lgi nti 4 thun dri skg...wLu apa ttp jdi peminat setia kmu smpai biLa2 tida kira Lar kmu menang kar tida..:)
~1 july...
seingat sy Lar kn..tym nie..Lau tida siLap sy..tym n My princess p tg aru sygg mnta ajar men, sy dgn scra sukarelanya mnwarkn diri tuk ajr dia Lar..haha..hmm..ok Lar sygg..cpt bLjar/tngkap men gitar..sesuai dgn jari pmpuan yg Lmbut mmg cpt bljar..smua chord asas sy ajr, smua dia boLeh buat but ada bbrpa chord mgkn yg sy ykin msti dia suda Lupa skg..teda praktis Lar tue..hehe..tpi tida fhm..:)tym yg mau senja suda keadaan cuaca yg cerah brgnti mnjdi hujan..tida jg Lar Lebat sngat..ehem..bila2 msa sy boelh ajr Lgi my sygg..asalkn Tym tue i'm free n u too..
~2 july...
suda jg sy crta td...detik2 kekalahan/tumbangnya my fav team d pringkat suku akhir no need lar kn ckp psl tue Lgi...! :)
~3 july...
ntah..hri sbtu kaLi tym nie pn Lupa suda sy buat apa..mcm sy tida jLn puLa..dduk rmh jaa kaLi tue..
~4 july...
ehem..hahaaa..birthday c farah baa nie puLa tym nie kn yg ke-20..(kmrin)..tQ to farah sudi jg jmput sy ar p bday party ko..hehe thnx once again..d beach Lgi tue..pnya best..hua3x..tpi yg tida best dia..kena jg Lar sy, zaiton n elfy men hujan knun..ceyh..hahaaa..tpi ok Lar...Sory jg ar farah..teda tida tau baa mau bgi apa sma ko..Lgi puLa sy tida tau apa bnda yg ko minat/suka..mcm tida pnah puLa tau sy bgi hdiah sma pmpuan tym birthday2 nie...matee Lar..hua3x..but..jgn risau..biLa2 msa jaa ko boLeh cLaim tue baucer KFC ko sma sy..hehe..tue jaa Lar mgkn kira hdiah sy sma ko tym bday ko yg suda brLaLu..hahaaaa..:) smoga pnjg umur n hepy2 sLaLu freN...!
~ 1 month ordy ~
~5 july(today)..
hmm..mcm besa Lar..ada cLas jm 8 smpai tnga hri...Lunch with LoLo d kntin USIA..pas tue p ambik sLip ..
n pas tue Lgi p kk...pegi byar nie brodben..hmpir teLupa nie...pas tue Lgi..mcm Lama suda nie tida men games Lgi men DOTA lar..hahaaaaa..with 3 gme jaa..Len puLa lau lma tida men kn..pa2 pn trun jg akhirnya my best hero in dota(priestess of the moon/mirana) nsib masi pndai men Lgi..n tiga2 gme kmi menang..hahaaaa..pRo Lgi rupanya..ceyh..hua3x..
Miss you, Love mine sygg !
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 9:24 PM