~A tongue has no bones but it can break a heart and also it can be a pillar of strength to broken heart~
I have found an enjoyable, enchanting, active, and sometime terrifying experience, n i've enjoyed it completely. a lament in one ear, maybe but always a song in the other...sometime in life, we think we don't need anyone, but sometime in life we don't have anyone when we need...strange but its true right..hmm..
remember, life is never plain sailing, thats what makes it fun...where there is an end..there is always a beginning, when there seems to be no hope..there is always a hope..when you're in pain..there is always someone wishing your not..when a door is closed, a window is open...you'll know what i mean right ?..hmm...i think , nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now..n if the past cannot prevent u from being present now, what power does it have?...think that...
~be a candle, be a light, be a twinkle in the light, be a hope, be an inspiration to fly high in others life~
you still wondering right why me love u? u want to know why i love u...sure ? hmm..okay..i think u already know about it..honestly, the 1st time i saw u..when the day of registration in college(1st sem)..i fell in love at 1st sight with u..waaa..i still remember that moments..i think there is no others appropriate sentence i express it...that is the most appropriate sentence for u..i'm sure..! believe or not..its up to you..but..i'm sure that is what happened to me when i saw u...for me, its hard to believe..i was like a freeze, was stunned, silent, n my feeling was mixed...i love u not bcoz u are beautiful, but i really can't deny it..hmm..susah2 jaa baa mau ckp kn...saya cintakan dirimu bkn sperti mna org len melihat/mnilai dirimu dgn hnya memandang akn sifat luaranmu/tersurat..tpi bgi saya...luaran n dalaman, tersirat n tersurat, fzikal n mental, rohaniah n jasmaniah yg ada dgn dirimu itu termasuk dlm smua pnilaian ku terhdap dirimu...fham sygg ? sy tau ayat2 yg sy slalu guna nie mmg ssh mau fhm kn..bahkn sy sndri pn pyah mau ssun ayt yg sbaik2nya ayat..tpi mmg itu lar..apa yg bergolak d hati sy, only me know..sbab sukar tuk terjemahkn dlm bentuk apa skali pn yg trsirat d hati sy..hmm.. I am not looking 4 PERFECTION, but at least u perfect 4 me bcoz of my ASSESSMENT...!
without u i might not be complete,without u i'm not still go on, without u i'm might still live my life, without u i'm still find myself, but ever since u have been a part of me, all that will have a difference...i'm sure thats better than before...if can i want to love u all the time, 4ever n ever Renny Azie Gasmin..^^
by hand~ Stephendz Arryn Abat...
~When god takes away something from your hand, don't think he's punishing you, but he is merely emptying your hand, for you to receive something better~
Thursday, July 22, 2010
i'm Sure..!
Posted by stephendz arryn abat at 1:52 PM