"Be your self in your own way"

Friday, August 6, 2010

This is true ?

Apa yang anda rasakan betul, maka betul lar apa yang anda fikirkan itu. tidak susah kan jika anda percya terhadap diri anda sendiri. yang sebenarnya percaya lar diri sendiri sebelum percaya dengan orang lain. betul bukan ? mungkin kita tidak mampu melakukan segalanya tapi kita masih boleh melakukan sesuatu..kan?

~Do you know why god created gaps between fingers?so that someone who is very special to you comes and fills these gaps by holding your hands forever. confused right? in life we all have a unconffessable secret, an unreversable repentment, a unreachable dream, and a unforgettable love. Love is when you look into someone's eyes, and see everything you need. a wonderful saying "trying to forget someone you loved is like trying to remember someone you've never met". madman's mind..not sure..hahaa. Definition of love is very expensive, it was created by God to his servants. love is written in words but fail to see the face of love is the responsibility where there is loyalty and honesty in it. you know? 'I Trust You' is a better compliment than 'I Love You' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust. so how?true right ? whatever. the worse situation in life is when you know someone doesn't understand something about their life that brings them pain, you know all about it and you know if you tell them everything will be clear, but as a result you will bring them more pain and pain for yourself and the connection with them might break, so you just keep the pain for yourself to protect them from it. everything happens for a reason. We may not like or understand it, but it does! So smile and have faith, and was meant to be this way.

~ Many people love the sun, and complain about the rain. but you can't make a rainbow without the two together. it's only when you're tested that you truly discover who you are. And it's only when you're tested that you discover who you can be. The person that you want to be does exist, somewhere in the other side of hard work and faith, and belief and beyond the heartache and fear of what life has. It's not about who's right or who's wrong, there more important things than that. That's why we have things like apologies and forgiveness. an apology may be a sign of weakness, but having the courage to go up to someone and say sorry is a strength. If you feel like no one cares about you, think again Look in the mirror, Because the person you see, needs you more than anyone else. its not enough too have a dream, unless you're willing to pursue it. its not enough to know whats right, unless you're strong enough to do it. its not enough to learn the truth, unless you learn to live it. its not enough to reach for love, unless you care enough to give it..

~ Forget the past, you can't change it, forget the future, you can't predict it, live for today. don't make someone a priority in your life, when you are only an option in theirs. Life becomes meaningful, only if we survive hurts of the past, we live fully the present, we view the future with hope & God is the center of our life. you are the past, you are the future, you are today, what really changes all time is your identity. don't believe that my knowledge of everything is what you think that I know. believe that my life time in this world is to learn from everything. it is more important.! GOD hears more than you say, GOD answers more than you ask and GOD gives more than you desire, realize it !

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness,
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people,
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry,
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never walking alone.

hmm..kadang-kadang kita tidak tahu apa yang kita lakukan itu adakah betul atau salah, tapi kita jangan lupa bahawa Tuhan selalu memerhatikan apa sahaja yang kita lakukan. God bless us..:)